Ordering is now closed.
Each Thanksgiving dinner includes* a hearty portion of carved turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy,
green beans, cranberry sauce, a roll, and a slice of pumpkin pie.
Only $15.99+Tax per meal!
Fill out this form, visit the Niche Market to order in person, or call Cynthia at 720-780-3381.
Payment in advance required.
Deadline to order is Friday, November 10th.
Pick up at the Niche Market (3701 Canfield Street, Boulder) or
The Eat Well Café (909 Arapahoe-West Age Well Center, Boulder)
on Wednesday, November 22nd from 1:30 – 3:30 pm.
Don’t forget to order your extra Think Goodness Foods Pies and Quiches too, $15 each.
Pumpkin Pies are 15% off!
All proceeds benefit Meals on Wheels of Boulder.
Your Thanksgiving Dinners help fund meals for your Boulder neighbors!
*Subject to change based on available ingredients and while quantities last. Not gluten free.