Sara Steinman

Eat Well Café Manager

Sara’s family moved to Boulder in 2013.  She has a degree in Zoology and has done behavior studies and zookeeping work at the Dallas Zoo for many years. She took time off to care for parents and to raise her son.  Sara has done a lot of volunteer work, including holding the presidency of a women’s organization (Hadassah) and has worked at EFAA as a volunteer for 5 year. When the pandemic hit, EFAA asked her to be a temporary essential worker in the food bank. She did this work for over a year, until they went back to a volunteer format. Sara discovered how much she missed working and wanted to find a good, charitable organization to work for. She brings her many years of working with volunteers at the Dallas Zoo, Hadassah and EFAA to her position as the Café Manager at the Eat Well Café, and she is enjoying the work immensely.