The Story of Michael

Photo note: Actual client not pictured to protect privacy.


We have a new client, Michael. His sister, “Cher” (from out of state) recently learned about Michael’s situation. He contacted her to say he was okay after having been released from the hospital. He had collapsed and was taken to the ER due to walking over a mile and a half in the extreme heat to buy more day-old white bread and rice and beans for his rice and bean sandwiches. Michael had been eating these sandwiches as his main diet for most of 2022. He did not complain to Cher, but she pushed to get more information.


Michael is 79 years old and is a veteran who “never asked anybody for any help.” His propane ran out months ago, and he’s had no money or transportation to get more fuel. He had been without a refrigerator and freezer also, so had created a system to keep any perishable items cool by wrapping them in wet towels and hanging them outside overnight.


Michael lives in a camper, on the property of a couple in their nineties, whom he helps. Nobody knew how extremely in need Michael is because he has an extraordinary positive attitude, “makes-due” and doesn’t complain. Cher will be paying for her brother’s meals without him knowing and he’s now receiving two hot meals each day (M-F) plus four frozen meals for the weekends.


Our Client Services staff have spoken to Michael many times now, and he is one of the warmest, friendliest, happiest, most humble and grateful clients we have. When Lehshel talked with him recently, at the end of the day, she was moved to tears from learning more about his hardships, his overflowing expression of gratitude and the possibility of our meals truly saving his life. She humbly thought, “this is why we do what we do!”

For more information on our Meal Delivery Service, click here.