Giving programs you may not know about!

We have three new ways to give to
Meals on Wheels of Boulder! 

Sponsor a Route! 

You can now sponsor a route per day, per week, or even sponsor all of our routes for a day! This is a great opportunity for individuals and businesses.

Sponsor our Emergency Meals Program

From time to time there is a family or individual that could use an extra helping hand. We provide emergency meals for as long as needed. Your sponsorship will fund this important program which takes care of our neighbors during emergency situations.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Please contact for more information.

Matching Gifts Program

Does your employer have a matching gifts program? Your gift could be doubled, or even tripled if your employer offers a matching gift program.

Contact your HR or Benefits Officer to see if they have a matching gifts program.

Contact us if you are unsure as we would be happy to look into it or contact the company’s human resources department for the appropriate paperwork. Call (720) 780-3382 or email

Donate on your Colorado Tax Return

Did you know you can donate to Meals on Wheels of Boulder from your Colorado Tax Return?  Using ReFund CO, a program specific to Colorado residents, you can use the code 20033001901 on your form this tax season.

For more information about this program, visit

For all the ways to give to Meals on Wheels of Boulder, please visit our Ways to Give page.