Early Giving for Colorado Gives Day starts today!
Incentives this year:
- The First Bank Incentive fund of $1 million plus is back. The more money we receive, the higher percentage of the incentive fund we will get. Last year we were awarded a little over $2,600.
- There is a Corporate Giving Challenge. If you are a businesses who would like to fundraise for us, email shoshana@mowboulder.org
- Recurring donation match – If you set up a new monthly donation, Colorado Gives Foundation will match your first monthly donation up to $100 and up to $250,000 in total across all organizations.
- New this year is an hourly donor drawing prize for donors who give $100 on December 10th. One winner each hour will win a Southwest Airlines voucher good for round-trip airfare up to $400. Colorado Gives Foundation will also award a bonus roundtrip ticket after midnight from all donors who give $100 or more to a single nonprofit in the 24-hour period on December 10.
- And again, they will have the First Bank’s Trivia Week (Dec. 2-6) on Facebook and Power Hours on December 10th (7, 10, 3) for prizes.
If you would like to have a fundraising page set up to support Meals on Wheels of Boulder, please email shoshana@mowboulder.org.
Our Page: https://www.coloradogives.org/mowboulder